S jo was born out of a RCA design PhD project looking to evolve power & privilege specifically within the act of craft practice between traditional women’s craft communities and NGOs/designers in development. It consistently searches for new vocabulary & syntax for traditional craft skills and makers. Our signature jewellery, conceptualised in 2011, values each craftwoman’s creativity. The magic of our pieces comes from the symphony of working together as different craftswomen, in a nurturing and mutual learning space.
S jo Founder – Seher x
S jo creates original, one of a kind accessories, drawing inspiration from traditional textile craftsmanship and handcrafted by artisans mainly women from villages in Pakistan. The textile jewellery – hand bound, embroidered and stitched is our signature, originated in 2011 with AGJ community by our founder, Dr Seher Mirza, a design practitioner and academic currently based at Centre for Sustainable Fashion, University for the Arts London (UAL).
S jo works through ‘Threads of the Indus’, a design-and-community-led project committed to rebalancing power in craft encounters with village-based marginalised craft communities. The project creates spaces for creativity and self-belief to activate social change through the womens’ own agency. Central Saint Martins (UAL) textile design (weave) graduate, Seher Mirza, initiated the project in 2009/10, for her PhD by practice at the Royal College of Art, London. The products created in rigorous design workshops are a combined effort between Seher and the traditional craftswomen, a testament to their design journey together. The project is now self-funded, having worked with Sindh Rural Support Organisation (SRSO) in the past.
Concerned about the deteriorating quality of craftsmanship in traditional textile crafts in her native country, and the lack of emotional connection between maker and craft - Seher decided to address this through her own design and craft practice and started the project. S jo’s unique pieces reignite passion, excitement, and inspiration between craftswoman and her traditional craft. By encouraging creativity, design thinking, and design decision-making, it enables personal development of the women while creating a sustainable fair wage income.
The pieces are handmade collectively, through the exchange of ideas and shared craft practice, building a special relationship and journey, to form S jo, our brand.
S jo takes its name from the values it stands for. In the regional local language (Sindhi), 'jo' means 'of' or 'from', and the letter 'S' stands for our values; Social empowerment and enterprise, Solidarity, Sustainability and Stitch-craft in the region of Sindh.
“I earn more than my husband now and pay for my son’s school fees and his school books, stationery”
Watch the video about our work! - Courtesy the fabulous lifestyle blog Indigo Memoirs
'S Jo is a hybrid project made business model that improves the quality of life in micro communities through craft. The outcome is beautiful, unique quality jewellery pieces and higher living standards. For more check out Threads of the Indus project.'
More on the Threads of the Indus project.